We pride ourselves on our happy, caring and friendly atmosphere.
Gainsborough is a 'No Outsiders' school where difference and diversity are celebrated; we want everyone in our school community to feel welcome. Our school is truly INCLUSIVE and every opportunity is taken to teach pupils how to value and respect each other.
We teach the values of RESILIENCE and POSITIVITY, showing children that with hard work and determination, anything can be achieved. We expect every child to do their best at all times, in everything they do.
RELATIONSHIPS are important to us at Gainsborough. We work hard to make our relationships with each other, with pupils, with parents/carers and with outside agencies, positive and constructive.
We understand the power of ORACY in our school, the ability to 'speak up' confidently, command vocabulary and express oneself ably. We know that raising the quality and rigour of classroom talk helps pupils improve their academic, personal and social outcomes. Increasing their vocabulary helps our pupils retain knowledge, transfer their skills across subject areas, enhance their self-esteem and reduce their anxiety. Talking enables our children to explore and express their feelings and to address their behaviour, making them more successful in their interactions with others.
Talk is a priority for many of our pupils, particularly for those who are at an early stage of learning English.
We have 3 simple school rules - 'Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe' and these values are taught every day. You can see the school rules explained below.
In our federation we are committed to enabling every child to learn to speak well, to read and to write with understanding and to be able to use mathematics in context and to solve problems. We call these basic skills our 'non-negotiables' and we teach them, systematically, every day. We have high expectations of what can be achieved and we believe in the power of practice. Our curriculum is exciting and challenging. Pupils enjoy their learning and make good progress.
We are proud of our sporting tradition in school and know the value of ACTIVITY to keep mind and body healthy.
If you would like to see the school in action we would be proud to show you our happy, successful community at work. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.
Warm Regards
Mrs J Nurse
School Principal