Staying Safe in School

We believe that teaching children to 'Stay Safe' is extremely important at Gainsborough and is interwoven into all areas of the curriculum. Download the file at the bottom of this page to see the assembly we had recently about all of the ways we keep safe at Gainsborough. 

Internet Safety

Road Safety

Whether your child is on their way to or from school or on a trip, here at Gainsborough we take your child’s safety seriously.

Children starting primary school need to be with an adult as they are not old enough to cross roads alone.  Always set a good example by choosing safe places to cross and explain what you are doing. Use the Green Cross Code and explain that you have to stop at the kerb, then look both ways and listen for traffic before crossing. When it is safe to cross, walk straight across the road and keep looking and listening for traffic. Remind children to concentrate – they may be easily distracted. Ensure that anyone else looking after your child follows the same road safety rules as you do.

School Crossing Patrol

The School Crossing Patrol Service ensures the safety of school children and adults crossing roads. Their role has never been more important than today and as the number of vehicles on the road increases, so does the danger for our children when crossing the roads.
To manage the crossing points, our School Crossing Patrol requires a combination of professional skills to manage the traffic, and personal skills to deal with children, drivers, parents and teachers.

This very important role also involves dealing with many day to day challenges including poor weather conditions, rude drivers and lively children.

The School Crossing Patrol lady, is outside of school every morning and every afternoon. Please give her a wave or a friendly hello but more importantly make sure that you cross the road with her, she is there to help you and make sure that you get to school or go home safely.

Files to Download

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe