Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Preston

Mrs Preston

Mrs Poulson-Green

Mrs Poulson-Green

Miss Jones

Miss Jones

Miss Gee

Miss Gee

Mrs Broomhall-Ball

Mrs Broomhall-Ball



Welcome to Year 2 at Gainborough Primary & Nursery School.

Here's our team...

Class 5 teacher            Class 6 teacher

       Miss Gee                Mrs Poulson-Green

Teaching assistants - Mrs Preston, Mrs Broomhall-Ball and Miss Jones 


Thank you for visiting our Year 2 page. We welcome the opportunity to work alongside you and help your child to reach their full potential. We can ensure that your child is safe, happy and learning in a fun and engaging way. 

We understand that you are keen to help your child at home and we hope that you find the following information useful.  

To support your child’s reading, we would like to encourage you to read with your child and talk about the book as much as possible. Children will recieve a book matching the level they are working at. The children will need to immerse themselves within their books, gaining a full understanding of the text and understanding why authors have used particular words for impact. For this reason, they may have their book for up to a week to help boost their word accuracy and fluency. 

During this term we will be concentrating on spelling the common exception words.

Y1 and Y2 CEW.png

We strive to provide the children with a happy learning experience. If you have any concerns about your child, please feel free to pop in at the end of the day or phone the office for an appointment. 



Year 2 team


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Year 2: News items

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Year 2: Gallery items

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Year 2: Calendar items

Academy Photographers, by Mrs Hills

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe