Physical Education and Sport
At Gainsborough Primary and Nursery School, we recognise the importance and value of PE, and the role it has in promoting a long term, healthy lifestyle. Whilst fulfilling the requirements of the National Curriculum, our bespoke programme intends to provide all children with high quality PE and sports provision that will positively impact on them and their future. Physical education not only provides our children with the appropriate skills and knowledge, but it teaches them the importance of self-discipline, perseverance and resilience. We aim to provide lessons that teach children how to co-operate and collaborate with others, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.
It is our vision for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential; we strive to inspire our pupils through fun and engaging lessons; that are not only enjoyable, but challenging and accessible to all.
Here at Gainsborough Primary and Nursery School, our PE curriculum is sequential – lessons are practical and differentiated – allowing skills to be learnt, revisited and embedded. Our curriculum is designed to provide all pupils with accessible opportunities to achieve and even exceed the objectives.
At Gainsborough, our children participate in weekly high quality PE lessons and sports provision. We employ expert external coaches who provide outstanding provision for both our children and staff. Sustainability is a key focus for our school and ensuring effective subject expertise and knowledge ensures PE is taught effectively.
Our curriculum programme incorporates a range of different sports to ensure all children develop the confidence, tolerance and appreciation of both their own, and others, strengths and weaknesses. We recognise the importance of celebrating success and managing the challenges of defeat – whilst developing leadership and individual character.
We provide opportunities for all children to engage in extra-curricular activities, in addition to participating in competitive sporting events. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also well-being.
Our broad and balanced PE curriculum impacts greatly on our children’s ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to make appropriate choices about their physical health. They understand key concepts and skills taught and are able to transfer these into a variety of different sports and settings.
Our curriculum develops positive self-awareness in children as they become physically competent. They also demonstrate a healthy attitude towards competition, showing respect for individuals, teams, officials and coaches.
Events/competitions Every year we take part in several sporting competitions.These include; basketball, dodgeball, cricket, football, rounders, athletics, and cross country Inclusive sports - here at Gainsborough we view sport as sport for all. We believe that everybody should have the opportunity to take part in sport. We take part in the Inclusive Sports events at South Cheshire College each term. Our year 3 children have the opportunity to take part in swimming lessons every year. We then offer top up swimming lessons to children as they enter year 5. Sports coaching group Here at Gainsborough, we employ experienced qualified coaches to work alongside our teachers. Sports coaching group offer great teaching and learning opportunities for our children, whilst providing extra CPD for our staff. The children have enjoyed taking part in outdoor adventures. Sports coaching group also offer a wide range of after school clubs, which are attended well. Pupil Voice It is important that our children not only enjoy the sports that they are taking part in, but they have the opportunity to reflect and share their experiences with everybody else in the school. We encourage our children to share their successes and to be proud of what they have achieved. In school, we post all successes on our weekly newsletter and a competition board in school. We also ensure that our children enjoy their PE lessons at school, which is monitored through the use of pupil voice monitoring sheets. Keeping physically fit We believe it is vitally important that our children have the best opportunity to be physically active - therefore we ensure that equipment in school is accessible for all. For break time, we have purchased new basketball nets, play equipment and table tennis tables, which fit nicely alongside our ball cage, climbing frames and tyre park. We have a team of trained playleaders in school who lead games at break and lunchtimes, encouraging all children to learn new games, play cooperatively and be physically active. Playleaders Gainsborough is part of the Crewe and Nantwich School Sport Partnership. As part of this, we took part in a playleader training scheme, whereby our playleaders learnt new games and how to be an effective leader. Since then, we have been really keen for our children to take on active playleader roles. Each year group has appointed playleaders; these children are responsible for taking out sports equipment, such as hoola hoops and skipping ropes and initiating fun, active games. Our playleaders play with lots of different children, making sure that no child is ever alone. In addition to this, our midday assistants also took part in the training. Healthy Living week During Healthy Living week children have the opportunity to learn all about food and the importance of eating their 5 a day! Healthy eating and healthy living is of vital importance and we host assemblies throughout the school year to ensure our children are making the right choices. We also believe that healthy living is not just keeping physically fit and eating healthiliy. We stongly believe that children need to be emotionally healthy too. Last year, for healthy living week, we focused on the following objectives: Mindful Monday, tasty Tuesday, well-being Wednesday, thoughtful Thursday and fitness Friday. Some of our work was displayed on our weekly newsletter and on our school facebook page. Active School Mark. Gainsborough were awarded the Silver award for their PE provision in July this year. This award recognises that children at Gainsborough are taking part in a wide range of sporting activities. It shows that children are active throughout the school day and that Gainsborough recognises the importance of sports for all. Please see the Statutory Information section of our website to see details of how we spend our Sports Premium.
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