Home/School Agreement

At Gainsborough Primary & Nursery School we believe that our pupils achieve the best when parents and school work together. The home school agreement sets out the expectations for school, parents and pupils. The pupil section is based on 'Gainsborough's Golden Rules.'


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The School will:-

  • Strive to provide the highest quality of learning and achievement for all the children
  • Provide a caring environment to enable your child to be happy, safe and confident
  • Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or resources needed for school, including school uniform
  • Let parents know about concerns or problems which may affect their child’s work or behaviour
  • Set and monitor homework
  • Arrange parents’ evenings during which progress will be discussed
  • Offer parent information meetings so that you can work successfully in partnership with the school for your child’s benefit
  • Send home yearly reports on progress
  • Keep parents informed about school activities through the school website, regular newsletters, letters and notices about special events.


Signed ____________________________________ School Principal


Parents /Carers

I/We shall:-

  • Ensure that my child attends school regularly, on time, wears the correct school uniform, and has a PE kit in school everyday
  • Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour
  • Support my child in homework (including reading at home) and other opportunities for home learning and ensure that homework, reading records etc are returned to school promptly
  • Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress
  • Get to know about my child’s life at the school.


Signed ___________________________________ Parent/Carer


The Pupil

I will:-

  • Keep to the school’s rules
  • Work hard and follow instructions the first time and not refuse
  • Listen carefully and not interrupt or shout out
  • Be kind and helpful and not hurt other people’s feelings
  • Be gentle and not hurt others
  • Be honest and always tell the truth
  • Look after property and not waste or damage things


Signed ______________________________ Pupil

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Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe