Governor Monitoring

All governors at Gainsborough Primary & Nursery School have additional roles and responsibilities. During a term, they carry out monitoring in their areas of responsibility. This might include meeting with school staff, talking to parents and pupils, meeting with senior and middle leaders or reviewing policies. Each governor then reports back to either a committee meeting or the Full Governing Board meeting. Monitoring helps to evaluate what is going well in school and identifies areas for future development. 


The Leadership Team, Governing Board and school staff are firmly focused on ensuring that the pupils at Gainsborough Primary Nursery School achieve the best they can. For 2017-2018 there are five key priorities that we are working on:

KEY PRORITY 1: Leaders, including governors and middle leaders, are relentlessly focused on pupil progress and attainment.

KEY PRIORITY 2: All teaching and learning is at least consistently good across the school in order to improve outcomes for pupils and raise standards. 

KEY PRIORITY 3: Ensure attitudes to learning are consistently positive and have a significant impact on progress.

KEY PRIORITY 4: Pupils make strong progress towards meeting the expected attainment for their age.

KEY PRIORITY 5: Ensure that leadership of EYFS secures good progress for pupils from starting points that are well below expected standards and prepares them effectively for KS1


Click below to have a look at an overview of some of the monitoring our governors have been doing. 


Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe