Leadership Team Priorities

The Leadership Team, which includes the Local Governing Board, and school staff are firmly focused on ensuring that pupils at Gainsborough Primary & Nursery Academy achieve their full potential.  For 2024 - 2025  there are five key priorities that we are working on:

Key Priority 1

Leaders at all levels will ensure that consistent, effective practice  leads to good progress across the curriculum for all pupils.

Key Priority 2

Embed the school's agreed pedagogy and practice in order to maintain high levels of pupil attainment. 

Key Priority 3

Continue to reduce persistent absence through communication of high expectations and support for families to remove barriers to regular attendance. Secure pupil attitudes to education that are positive and that demonstrate a commitment to learning. 

Key Priority 4

Secure pupils' mindset for learning; ensure that they demonstrate high aspirations, resilience and instrinsic motivation. 

Key Priority 5

Secure an EYFS curriculum and pedagogy that meets the needs of all our pupils, including the 50% of the current cohort who are new to English. Ensure that teaching establishes firm foundations in literacy and maths that lead to an increase in the number of pupils achieving ELGs in reading, writing and number. 

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe