
At Gainsborough we follow three golden rules; be ready, be respectful and be safe.

By being respectful we encourage the children to:

  • Openly celebrate each other’s similarities and differences
  • Show empathy to each other
  • Think critically and logically
  • Communicate with each other and respectfully share opinions
  • Ask well thought through questions
  • Share our British Values
  • Understand how to agree to disagree
  • Learn about each other’s cultures, religions, beliefs and families.

All of the above help to build a school of tolerant children of which we are extremely proud of.

We have a strong program of emotional support. Emotional literacy is at the heart of our school day and is taught incidentally through constant conversation, explanations, stories and many other means. Children also have PHSE lessons where emotions and different themes are explored more formally. Children with emotional difficulties or low self-esteem are identified and receive intense targeted support through our emotionally healthy schools program.

The children understand how to recognise bullying, including cyber bullying and what to do if someone they know is being bullied. During anti bullying week we encourage the children to think about the consequences of their words and actions. 

Unfortunately, with all of the above things in place, things sometimes go wrong.  At Gainsborough, bullying is taken extremely seriously and is dealt with immediately. All accusations of bullying are fully investigated. Both parties are spoken to and appropriate action is taken. Restorative conversations form the basis of discussions. Both parties are invited to talk together to help begin to repair and restore self-esteem. Restorative conversations limit the chances of reoccurrences through a better understanding.

In cases of proven bullying all parents/carers of the children involved will be informed and appropriate consequences set. At Gainsborough, we believe that behaviour can be a form of communication. We place the highest priory on safeguarding children.

We have been fortunate to be part of the Cheshire Anti bullying commision run by Cheshire police. We are proud to display and stand by the anti bullying charter with the main message of 'Stand up, not back.' 

At Gainsborough we are very proud to have Anti bullying Ambassadors in years 4, 5 and 6.  They are trained, primarily, by the Diana Trust and understand what bullying is and how to guide children to a member of school staff.

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Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe