
Children need to complete a comment in their reading diary when they have read.  They should still be heard to read regularly and parents need  to complete a comment when this happens. Children may read on their own but then MUST have an adult to sign their reading diary. Children who have read will get rewarded.

Maths – Your child will be asked to complete a page of their CGP book.  They will be told which page they need to complete on a Friday.  Maths homework will be set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Tuesday.  

All children need to continue to practise their times tables and associated division facts up to 12 x12.  Children can visit Times Table Rockstars to practise these.  

SPaG - Your child will be asked to complete a page of their CGP book.  They will be told the page they need to complete on a Friday.  SPaG homework will be set on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Tuesday.

Spelling - (5 minutes per evening) – based on the phonic or spelling pattern focus that week.  Spelling lists will be available on the Spelling Shed website and in homework books.

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Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe