Year 6, we give out homework every Friday and ask that it is back in school on the following TUESDAY. Homework normally consists of: spellings, SPaG/English and maths. These will be in the form of specific pages within the SAT Question Books related to our current learning. Each week the homework pages are explained however, if a child is struggling with the homework please encourage them to inform a member of the year 6 team and we can give them support to help with their understanding.
In addition to the Maths and English homework we have a weekly spelling test every Friday. The spellings for the week will be posted below the Friday before and learnt in class everyday during the week preceding the test.
11.9.20 |
Maths - 10 & 11 (adding & subtracting) English - 4 & 5 (Nouns & Adjectives) |
18.9.20 |
Maths - 2 & 3 (ordering numbers) English - 6 & 7 (verbs, adverbs) |
25.9.20 |
Maths - 12 & 13 ( Written adding, subtraction & multiplication) English - 8, 9, 10 (synonyms and antonyms) |
2.10.20 |
Maths - 15&16 (written division) English - 11, 12, 13 (pronouns, clauses, phrases) |
9.10.20 |
Maths - 4 & 7 (negative numbers & rounding) English - 14 & 15 (sentences & conjunctions)
16.10.20 |
Maths - 23 & 24 (multiples & factors) English - 16& 17 (Adverbials & repetition) |
23.10.20 (half term) |
Maths - 5, 8 & 9 (roman numerals, mixed practice) English - 18, 19, 20, 21 (ellipsis, tense, progressive and perfect form |
6.11.20 |
Maths - 20 & 21 (order of operations) English - 22 & 23 ( subject and order) |
13.11.20 |
Maths - 34 & 35 (adding and subracting fractions) English - 24, 25, 26 (passive and active voice) |
20.11.20 |
Maths - 29, 30 & 31 (fractions and comparing fractions) English - 27, 28, 29 ( formal and informal writing) |
27.11.20 |
Maths - 6, 17 & 18 (Decimals, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 & 1000) English - 30 & 31 (writing for your audience) |
4.12.20 |
Maths - 14, 32 & 33 (written multiplication & multiplying fractions) English - 32, 33, 34, 35 (Standad and non-standard english) |
11.12.20 |
Maths - 19, 36 (dividing with fractions and decimals) English - 36, 37, 38, 39 (full stops, quesion marks, sentences) |
Christmas Break |
Use this break to catch up on any homework pages you have not done or questions you have not completed. Look back through what you have already done to practise what you have found tricky. Have a wonderful, safe Christmas break. |
19.3.21 |
Maths - 62&63 (perimeter, area) English - 40, 41, 42, 43 (commas) |
26.3.21 |
Maths - 27 & 28 (mixed practice) English - 44, 45, 46, 47 (comma practice) |
1.4.21 |
Maths - 60, 61, 64 & 65 (area, perimeter and volume) English - 48, 49, 50, 51 (brackets, dashes and hyphens) |
23.4.21 |
Maths - 42, 43 (ratio, proportion and unequal sharing) English - 52, 53, 54, 55 (apostrophes) |
30.4.21 |
Maths - 44 & 45 (scaling) English - 56, 57, 58, 59 (inverted commas, colons) |
7.5.21 |
Maths - 68, 69 (angle rules) English - 60, 61, 62, 63 (colons & semi-colons) |
14.5.21 |
Maths - 71, 72, 73 (properties of shapes & angles in shapes) English - 64, 65, 66, 67 (paragraphs, layout devices, writing lists) |
21.5.21 |
Maths - 74, 75 (3D shapes) English - 68, 69, 70, 71 (prefixes) |
28.5.21 |
Maths - 40, 41, 80, 81 (Mixed practice) English - 72, 73, 74, 75 (Hyphenating prefixes, 'shus' sound) |
11.6.21 |
Maths - 37, 38, 39 ( Fractions, decimals, percentages) English - 76, 77, 78, 79 (- shul, -ant, -ent) |
18.6.21 |
Maths - 53, 54 (mixed practice) English - 80, 81, 82, 83 (-ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency, -able, -ible) |
25.6.21 |
Maths - 66 & 67 (Mixed practice) English - 84, 85, 86, 87 (-able, -ible, -fer) |
5.7.21 |
Maths - 86 & 87 (Pie Charts, The Mean) English - 88, 89, 90, 91 (ei, ie, -ough) |
w/c 29.3.21: signature, assign, design, designate, significant, resignation, resign, insignificant, assignment, signal
w/c 19.4.21: foreign, apparent, appreciate, persuade, individual, language, sufficient, determined, explanation, pronunciation.
w/c 26.4.21: programme, telegram, hologram, diagram, grammar, grammatical, parallelogram, monogram, programmer
w/c 3.5.21: challenge, damage, broadcast, benefit, charge, function, influence, interest, object, protest.
w/c 10.5.21: produce, present, reason, silence, support, transport, surprise, scratch, freeze, balance
w/c 17.5.21: shoulder, smoulder, mould, poultry, soul, shallow, window, blown, know, thrown
w/c 24.5.21: possible, horrible, terrible, visible, incredible, sensible, forcible, legible, responsible, reversible.
w/c 7.6.21: bellowed, screeched, squealed, shrieked, squawked, whispered, murmured, breathed, sighed, muttered
w/c 14.6.21: immense, vast, gigantic, gargantuan, mammoth, miniature, miniscule, insignificant, microscopic, petite
w/c 21.6.21: ecstatic, jovial, exultant, elated, delighted, despondent, forlorn, dejected, woeful, dismal