Year 6, we give out homework every TUESDAY and ask that it is back in school on the following MONDAY. Homework normally conists of: spellings, SPaG, maths and reading. These will be in the form of specific pages within the CGP SAT Question Books related to our current learning. Each week the homework pages are explained however, if a child is struggling with the homework please encourage them to talk to a member of the year 6 team and we can give them support to help with their understanding.
In addition to the Maths and English homework we have a weekly spelling test every Friday. The spellings to be learnt at home that week will be available on Spelling Shed each Friday and will reinforce the spelling rule taught that week in school. If you have any difficulty accessing Spelling Shed, please let a member of the Year 6 team know.
Log-ins for our online learning sites can be found at the back of your child's reading diary.