Essential Information
Here are a few helpful facts that you might find useful:
- Homework is given out on a Tuesday and is due in on the following Monday.
- Spelling tests are every Friday - you can practise your spellings by visiting Spelling Shed and logging into your user area. If you are using a device with a camera, you can easily access it using your persoanlised QR code.
- Continue to visit Times Table Rockstars regularly to ensure your tables recall is both rapid and accurate.
- PE is every Tuesday. However, PE kits should be in school everyday in case of timetable changes. This kit should be our school PE kit.
- Reading records should be in school everyday with a parent signature to show that a pupil has read at home at least 5 times a week.
- We expect Year 6 to set the standard for school uniform and be well presented at all times. Trainers are not allowed.
- Please ensure your child has a refillable water bottle with them each day.
If you have any questions about any aspect of school then please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Year 6 team.