Essential Information
Water bottles - Please ensure that your child has a labelled water bottle in school every day. We have water coolers throughout school where your child can fill up their water bottles during the day.
School uniform - All pupils should wear their uniform with pride including the correct school shoes. All items of clothing must be labelled with your child’s name. For further details about school uniform, look in the 'School Information' section of the website.
School dinners - Dinners are available at a cost of £2.75 per day. Please pay online via the arbor app for all meals in advance.
PE - ALL children should have the correct PE kit in school all the time. If you are unsure of what our PE kit looks like, please see the photo below.
Homework - This will be given out EVERY Friday and should be handed in by Tuesday at the latest. Weekly homework will consist of targeted workbooks. If your child is unsure about any of their homework, please contact a member of the Y4 team.
Times Tables - Children have a username and password to access 'Times Tables Rock Stars' stuck in their reading records. Children should be using a device (phone, tablet, laptop etc) to access this program for ten minutes each day. Please see a member of the Year 4 team if you struggle to access this program.
Spellings - Children will be given weekly spellings to learn. They will be tested on a Friday.
Reading - Children are expected to read at home at least four times a week. Parents need to listen to their child and sign their diary. Children need to bring their reading diary in to school each day.