Essential Information
Year One
We would like to share some information about life in Year One. We hope that you find it useful.
Homework is given out on Friday and is collected on the following Tuesday. We invite you to share any news or exciting events in your homework book. We love to see photos, leaflets, maps etc of where the children have been or what they have been doing.
Your child will be expected to read at home four times per week. Please could you sign your child's reading record every time you read with them. You may also wish to use this diary as a form of communication with us.
Please encourage your child to have their reading record in their hands as they enter school so that they can put it straight into the box. The children are working towards reading awards. You will see the names of children in the class window who have achieved four reads in the week. The children are very proud of these achievements.
Please ensure that your child has a PE kit suitable for outdoor use. Our PE lessons will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
We are looking forward to some exciting trips and many opportunities to share our learning with you.
Please feel free to speak to us about anything.
Y1 Team